--- Comment #52 from Chema <> ---
> That is strange. It's the bug I originally reported here because I'm having
> issues when scaling is less than 100%, not more. I set it to less because my
> current laptop top resolution is 1366x768, so things wind up too large.

The truth is that, indeed, the example that you mentioned and that opened this
bug, was with a percentage less than 100%. Therefore, effectively, to be
concise, this bug was not solved in the last update, therefore it should be
reopened indicating that it has failed and the one that I opened a few days ago
at Nate's indication should be closed since it would be duplicated with this

But whatever Nage says, whatever he thinks is best for this bug to be solved
once and for all, because we've been dealing with it for I don't know how many

What I think has happened is that the developers have made a bit of a mess with
the bug because many other people wrote in it that they had problems when the
scaling was greater than 100%.

I think that as seen in the comments of the bug, it affected both percentages
lower and higher than 100%. So effectively with version 23.08.0 it has been
solved for percentages greater than 100%, but it remains for the lower ones...

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