--- Comment #5 from ---
That's most of the simple questions then :-)

Maybe see what

    systemctl status --user kde-baloo

says, check to see how big the baloo index is

    balooctl status

and then watch the processes with something like htop. You want to see whether
baloo_file is being squeezed for CPU when it want to use too much memory (and
constraints set in the unit file are limiting it)

See if you get anything in the journal, you can turn on debugging by creating a
qtlogging.ini file:

    mkdir -p ~/.config/QtProject
    vi ~/.config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini

and adding


You can also ensure that any log or error messages sent to stderr get copied to
the journal by editing the kde-baloo unit file:

    systemctl edit --user kde-baloo

and add line:


and saving the override.

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