--- Comment #23 from OlafLostViking <> ---
(Very) long story short: yes. I updated to 5.8.2 and I already saw many
improvements! Thank you! But the problem is still there.

BTW (I don't know if we need [another] bug report for that): when playing
around with multiple screen in the kscreen GUI, they something jump around
(when getting activated) and ruin any sorting work done up unto this point.

So, tighten your seatbelts, here it comes...  I will now give some kind of
diary (with terrible unprecise times as I just counted in my head) of what I
did and append the kscreen.log file that was created during that time. Please
do at least scan over the whole text, as the problems with the
panels/wallpapers and the window's movements _could_ perhaps give you an idea
(at least I hope so). I will change the docking stations later in the text and
the black-out happens after the second "pause".

* updated to Plasma 5.8.2
* "fixed" my desktop settings
* logged out
* deleted .local/share/kscreen/* on the console
* rebooted _in_ docking station WORK
  - WORK has a primary screen on Displayport DP-2 and a vertically rotated
secondary on DVI DP-1
  - the internal LVDS-0 screen has to be shut off because DELL was creative
when wiring the CPU internal and the mobile GeForce to the ports
  - SDDM shows login screen on LVDS-0 and the secondary screen DP-1 (not
rotated, understandably)
* logged in
  - keeps the screen configuration of SDDM
  - panel and wallpaper are shown correctly on the primary screen (still
  - on the secondary screen (DP-1) the default wallpaper is shown
* use kscreen to switch LVDS-0 off, set DP-2 as active primary and DP-1 as
active secondary (rotated by 90 deg)
  - the switching works almost immediately (of course no atomic modesetting
* set my own wallpaper on the secondary screen (DP-1)
* undock from docking station WORK
  - LVDS-0 get activated quite fast, all seems okay
* redock into WORK
  - setting up the screens takes a very short time (no atomic) but everything
seems to work
* undock again
  - the screen setup looks fine
  - my active browser gets moved out of the screen (I cannot see it anymore
despite on the panel)
* redock into WORK
  - screen setup is fine
  - panel is okay, but the wallpaper on the secondary screen is now the default
* undock
  - the browser window, which was moved out of the view earlier, is now
centered on screen (here I may add that I did not touch the GUI while doing
this docking-undocking cycles)
* redock into WORK
  - now it takes several seconds (my guess was 10-12) for the new setup to
start  <====
  - screen setup is fine
  - the panel is now very narrow and on the secondary screen (DP-1)
  - there is NO wallpaper or anything else (like cashew/hamburger) on this
secondary screen; I also cannot right click on the black area (the panel is
responsive) <====
* undock
  - screen setup is fine
  - panel is fine again
  - now, the afore mentioned browser window is half-way shifted (to the right
side) out of the visible desktop
* redock into WORK
  - primary screen is fine
  - secondary is showing the default wallpaper
* set the wallpaper to my own
* put notebook into sleep mode while still docked
* wake it up while still docked in WORK
  - lockscreen shows up correctly (new in 5.8.2! :-) ) on primary and secondary
(incl. rotation) screen
* put it into sleep
* wake it up
  - now the profile pics in the lockscreen are messed up (white area with a few
coloured sprinkles - I will add a photo if I don't forget later when attaching
  - rest seems to be fine
* put it into sleep in docking station WORK
* undock!
* wake it up outside of docking station
  - profile pics are still messed up, rest seems fine
* redock into WORK
  - screen setup is fine
  - wallpapers are fine
  - but the panel is now on the wrong/secondary screen
* undock from WORK
  - the screen stays "half-black" for a surprisingly long time, but plasma
fills the missing part up, eventually
  - panel also takes several seconds to appear
* put notebook to sleep (still not docked)
* wake it up after docking it into WORK
  - SDDM appears on internal screen (LVDS-0) with broken profile pics (as
described above)
  - LVDS-0 shuts off
  - Secondary screen (DP-1) shows screenlocker with _working_ profile pics
  - Primary screen (DP-2) is black (no screenlocker!) while still showing the
mouse cursor
* login
  - screen setup is fine
  - my weather widget in the plasma panel as well as the website view of the
Qupzilla browser now show the same "coloured-sprinkels-on-white-ground"
background as the profile pics
  - qupzilla can be fixed by resizing, the weather applet works again after
some time (I guess after an update)
  - wallpaper is back to the default
* setting the wallpaper to mine again

== I really needed to go back to my work here ;-). So there is a pause of
"strange" things in the kscreen.log

* put notebook into sleep in the docking station WORK
* wake it up in _another_ docking station HOME (only one external screen
connected to the DVI-port DP-0)
  - lockscreen show correctly on internal as well as external screen
  - internal is fine (weather applet defective again as describe above)
  - external shows default wallpaper (at this time it is still the secondary
screen, as I deleted the kscreen settings at work as written above)
* use kscreen to switch DP-0 to primary
  - wallpaper and panel "migrate" automaticalle (also new in 5.8.2!)
* set wallpaper on secondary (now LVDS-0) to mine
* put it into sleep in docking station HOME

== Pause

* wake it up in docking station WORK (with the two external screens)
  - lockscreen shows on LVDS-0
  - profile pics are defective
  - it takes between 10 and 20 seconds(!) to shut LVDS-0 off <====
  - external screen do NOT get powered on (staying in sleep mode; so not just a
black image)
  - I cannot switch to a text console; all screens stay off
* undock
  - no change, still switched off LVDS-0


* reboot (two times) outside of the dock [around here I had to use another OS
on the machine for a few minutes]
* login
  - LVDS-0 is fine
* dock it with low battery
  - after probably 60s still no change from kscreen <====
* manually setting screen configuration with kscreen
  - primary (DP-2) is fine
  - secondary (DP-1) is showing the default wallpaper again
  - (as mentioned at the beginngin, screen jump around when trying to sort them
- meh ;-p )

At this point I decided you will probably not even read all the things I wrote
down until now and stopped playing around. I hope this is somehow useful for
debugging. I will attach the kscreen.log file and screen photos soon.

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