--- Comment #26 from Theliel <> ---
The bug was opened due to speed problems when using facial detection. My
comment was to point out that, at least with my equipment, as of today, the
performance is adequate with about 2-3pps. I have not talked at any time about
closing the bug, I have simply shown the results that I currently obtain

For me at least, OpenCL works. It's not a dramatic improvement as long as it
doesn't multiply the speed X times, but it works. Whether the performance is
adequate or not would be a totally different debate. Obviously any improvement
that can be made to it is welcome, and that is when Gilles himself encourages
anyone who wants to collaborate and improve the current code.

Obviously 404 photos is not an important sample, I have simply used it as a
test. My current library is about 200k photos, there are currently about 150k
people tags (about 600 different people), and another 80k detected and ignored.
As you will understand, in my use, the speed to detect and identify is quite


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