--- Comment #72 from <> ---
(In reply to Terry Forsythe from comment #70)
> Logout still is not working for me (though restart and shutdown are
> working).  When I select logout from the menu, the popup menu is presented,
> but when I select logout from the popup menu nothing happens.  If I let the
> timer count down, nothing happens.  If I select "OK" nothing happens.
> To resolve this issue I have applied all updates, and I have tried the
> following, neither of which work:
> 1.  Creating /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.LogoutPrompt.service with
> the following code:
>  [D-BUS Service]
>  Name=org.kde.LogoutPrompt
>  Exec=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/ksmserver-logout-greeter
> and
> 2.  Renaming my old desktop configuration to be a backup and letting Plasma
> create a new default desktop configuration.
> Also, after selecting the logout icon from the menu once or twice, the popup
> menu stops coming up.  So, it seems like something is happening in the
> background, but hanging.
> Mine is not a fresh Neon installation, it was automatically updated from the
> previous version.

Strange. I just deleted the file ~/.config/startkderc and it fixed the issue.
Because I even had this issue after updating to the fixed version on all of my
computers. That file was the cause of my issue.

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