--- Comment #17 from Niklāvs Koļesņikovs <> ---
If the search query asked for C++, then, indeed, the list was probably short,
since by far most such software is written in C, CUDA or maybe even Python with
numpy, pytorch or similar framework for SIMD or GPU acceleration. However by
asking for hardware acceleration, it's implied that the actual processing would
be done by some kind of a shader, so all it would really take was attaching a
GLSL or SPIR-V shader implementing the desired mathematical kernel, which is
something Qt can already do. Although probably not directly with QImage, so it
would likely need to be copied to QOpenGLTexture or a similar type and after
processing copied back to QImage.

Regarding OCR, I'm quite certain that OpenCV uses Tesseract OCR ( ) which is written in C++ and could
be used directly. That being said, my gut feeling is that there's probably
something better out there, just maybe not published yet, since the best I
could quickly find was using one of the generative adversarial networks (GAN)
for cleanup before feeding the processed image into a  convolution neural
network (CNN) based OCR i.e. Tesseract. However GANs are quite amazing and I'd
expect them to eventually replace CNNs for OCR purposes.

In short, there's nothing magical about OpenCV and the desired bits can either
bit assembled from existing projects or directly implemented in Qt or KF, since
there's probably more than just Spectacle that would be greatly improved with
some graphical or compute shader based features (I'd certainly love either
advanced scalers or ANN processing in Okular and Gwenview).

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