--- Comment #2 from ---
(In reply to Mike from comment #1)
> How is the printer connected?  Wireless or USB?
> It is wired direct to my switch, computer wired direct to same switch
> Do you have entries in `/etc/cups/ssl`?
> Yes - 2 files Corsair1.crt  Corsair1.key       Note file name is my machine 
> name, not printer
Identity: Corsair1
Verified by: Corsair1
Expires: 04/24/2034

Subject Name
C (Country):    US
CN (Common Name):       Corsair1
O (Organization):       Corsair1
OU (Organizational Unit):       Unknown
ST (State):     Unknown
L (Locality):   Unknown
Issuer Name
C (Country):    US
CN (Common Name):       Corsair1
O (Organization):       Corsair1
OU (Organizational Unit):       Unknown
ST (State):     Unknown
L (Locality):   Unknown
Issued Certificate
Version:        3
Serial Number:  66 2B D7 50
Subject Alternative Names
DNS:    Corsair1
DNS:    Corsair1.local
DNS:    localhost

This is same EPSON8550R.local.crt  Partial file from the Fedora 39 install    
Has printer name and IP address used
Identity: EPSON8550R
Verified by: EPSON8550R
Expires: 01/01/2038
Subject Name
CN (Common Name):       EPSON8550R
O (Organization):       SEIKO EPSON CORP.
Issuer Name
CN (Common Name):       EPSON8550R
O (Organization):       SEIKO EPSON CORP.
Issued Certificate
Version:        3
Serial Number:  00 DF 15 EF FA 75 D3 96 D4
Subject Alternative Names
DNS:    EPSON8550R
DNS:    EPSON8550R.local
IP Address:     87 04 C0 A8 69 16

> Can you run `lpinfo -v` and paste the output here?
The bottom 2 lines referencing the printer are indentical to the output from
the Fedora 39 install
Wallace@Corsair1:~$ lpinfo -v
network http
network https
network ipp
network ipps
network lpd
network socket
network smb
network beh
file cups-brf:/
direct hp
direct hpfax
network ipps://EPSON%20ET-8550%20Series._ipps._tcp.local/

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