--- Comment #4 from Ellie <> ---
> PID, maybe... I'm not sure that means anything to most people, as it would 
> have to be manually cross-referenced with the app you expect. 99.999999% of 
> people won't do that.

For what it's worth, I think the point for PID would be that for the 1% of
cases where it looks actually suspicious, people then have a chance to
cross-reference it. Although I suppose that would also require to be able to
look at a task manager in some way via a global shortcut like windows does. But
without that it's still useful because the admins that are both going to care
about what is prompting them to that level, are also more likely to be the ones
knowing that the TTY exists.

There's also the chance of keeping the PID in mind, pressing cancel, *then*
checking the task manager, then repeating the task to get the prompt again and
to then know that it's indeed what you thought it was.

TL;DR: I think most people aren't going to check any of the detail info ever.
But I don't think the natural conclusion is to then not add it.

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