--- Comment #5 from Eamonn Rea <> ---
The output is quite long, so I'll put a couple of notes I wanted to make here,
before the output:
1. Although there are a couple of results, the Geany I am referring to is the
2. The output of `pkcon get-details geany` occurs for every system package I
try to view on Discover that is not already installed (since Discover isn't
meant to be used to install Arch packages afaik) -- However, *not* all system
packages are missing a license. In other words, even though this message will
always appear, even packages that display correctly in Discover will also show
this, both from the UI and that command.
3. This affects more than just Geany, other examples of packages with missing
licenses are OpenTTD, 0 A.D., and Snes9x.
4. Packages missing a license are usually also missing screenshots. Distro
packages that do have license information will usually also display


$ appstreamcli search geany
Identifier: io.sourceforge.chart_geany.chart-geany [desktop-application]
Name: Chart Geany
  Chart Geany is a free cross platform software solution for market technical
analysis, charting
  and a portfolio manager
Bundle: flatpak:app/io.sourceforge.chart_geany.chart-geany/x86_64/stable
Icon: io.sourceforge.chart_geany.chart-geany.png
Identifier: org.gnome.Devhelp.desktop [desktop-application]
Name: Devhelp
Summary: A developer tool for browsing and searching API documentation
Bundle: flatpak:app/org.gnome.Devhelp/x86_64/stable
Icon: org.gnome.Devhelp.png
Identifier: org.gnome.Devhelp.desktop [desktop-application]
Name: Devhelp
Summary: A developer tool for browsing and searching API documentation
Package: devhelp
Icon: devhelp_org.gnome.Devhelp.png
Identifier: org.geany.Geany [desktop-application]
Name: Geany
Summary: A fast and lightweight IDE
Bundle: flatpak:app/org.geany.Geany/x86_64/stable
Icon: org.geany.Geany.png
Identifier: geany.desktop [desktop-application]
Name: Geany
Summary: A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK+
Package: geany
Icon: geany_geany.png


$ appstreamcli dump geany.desktop
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary>A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK+</summary>
    <p>Fast and lightweight IDE</p>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">geany.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="cached" width="48" height="48">geany_geany.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">geany_geany.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="128" height="128">geany_geany.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">geany</icon>


$ pkcon get-details geany
Resolving                               [=========================]         
Getting details                         [=========================]         
Finished                                [=========================]         
Fatal error: geany;2.0-1;x86_64;extra: could not find or read package

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