--- Comment #18 from Vence <> ---
In addition to Comment 15:
There are still the following messages in journalctl:

ksmserver[983]: Failed to write ice auth file entry
ksmserver[983]: Failed to write xsmp ice auth file entry
ksmserver[983]: Failed to write ice auth file entry
ksmserver[983]: Failed to write xsmp ice auth file entry

However, iceauth command shows that all the entries are is written correctly
into the /run/user/1000/iceauth_XXXXX file.

Kishore Gopalakrishnan in Comment #6 notices that the function
IceWriteAuthFileEntry returns a nonzero status if the operation was successful. 
So the condition "if (IceWriteAuthFileEntry(fp, file_entry) != 0)" in
ksmserver/server.cpp (lines 367,391) should be "if (IceWriteAuthFileEntry(fp,
file_entry) = 0)"

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