Gabriel Barrantes <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ities/kcalc/-/commit/57dda4 |ities/kcalc/-/commit/e11903
                   |e5f858e221abdfac6a777575bb3 |526a36bb1a85529f9d137257b54
                   |346649c                     |e8163fa

--- Comment #44 from Gabriel Barrantes <> ---
Git commit e11903526a36bb1a85529f9d137257b54e8163fa by Gabriel Barrantes.
Committed on 19/06/2024 at 19:01.
Pushed by gabrielbarrantes into branch 'release/24.05'.

Chain result upon equal clicked

Modify behavior to load last calculation result into the input display
when "equal" is clicked, this will also create a new entry in the history
panel. After loading the result this can be used for further calculations.

Also update behavior of "M+", "M-", "MS" and "Dat" to be compatible with
the new changes.

(cherry picked from commit 57dda4e5f858e221abdfac6a777575bb3346649c)

Co-authored-by: Gabriel Barrantes <>

M  +69   -63   kcalc.cpp
M  +5    -2    kcalc.h
M  +34   -0    kcalc_display.cpp
M  +1    -0    kcalc_display.h
M  +57   -0    kcalc_input_display.cpp
M  +5    -0    kcalc_input_display.h
M  +15   -5    kcalc_parser.cpp
M  +8    -2    kcalc_parser.h

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