--- Comment #9 from ---
(In reply to Lassi Väätämöinen from comment #6)

Some quotes reduced for brevity. this is longer than intended, sorry for that

> How about it you tone it down, take a breath and chill. It's not that serious.

I'm quite sick of developers going "hey, how about you try this other thing
that isn't what you wanted". This here is far from the only time I've seen this
sentiment and it's quite frustrating.

> Any other examples of text editors that do this as standard? 

- gedit
- ghex
- Windows 11 notepad (with ctrl, possibly reconfigurable idk)
- notepad++ (Ctrl+numpad, but reconfigurable to alt+normal numbers)
- vscode
- zed
- xed
- sublime text
- geany
- bluefish
- lite XL

I've gone through some "top 10 linux editors" to get more data. Almost
everything I was able to install supported this, with only some very niche
projects falling out of line. …and notepadqq, to be fair.

Note: KDevelop, unlike kate, does not interpret alt+number as text input
(except for alt+0 for some reason), making me think it's bound to *something*,
but idk what it is

> This you can do ctrl-tab, since you are switching between two latest tabs.

This works in Kdevelop, but not in Kate, as far as I can see.

> Well, to be honest, this is just one user wishlist request.

…I know. I'm not expecting KDE to jump up and immediately implement it just for
me. My exacerbation is purely because people keep suggesting things that miss
the point entirely and assume I haven't tried finding alternative ways of using

> Not sure, but I suppose your contribution in form of code would be as 
> valuable as anyone elses?

My experience contributing to large projects hasn't been good, so I'm kind of
hesitant on that. I have more urgent contributions to make, in any case…
Understanding an existing codebase, especially one as large as kate
(+kwrite+kdevelop, which I think are built on the same base?) takes a lot of

> Konsole has separate shortcuts: "Switch to tab #X".

yes, that would be the optimal solution. That's generally how most configurable
software implements it (not firefox, fwiw)

> Also, there are better, convenient and faster tools for comparing changes 
> between two documents, e.g., 'diff'

I meant more for code deduplication (…and deliberate duplication, when
necessary) and such. I use diffs where applicable.

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