--- Comment #44 from Blazer Silving <> ---
Hey, i'd like to note that the Merge Request at fully resolves this
for me, i've been using it in my personal Kwin build since I found the patch
and it works exactly as it says. Workflow restored for me, but i'm still kind
of salty this was just pulled out like it was. 

I want to bring attention to my comment at and hammer
everything out here to hopefully end the suspense and get this squashed. To be
clear, this only concerns the Overview's Desktop Bar being hidden when a
non-linear VD layout is used, and how it feels broken due to this behavior: 

Big question: 
What problems does this Desktop Bar cause when used in this configuration?

The two specific points Nate mentioned in reply:

--There aren't desktops enough that it becomes scrollable: 
This is also a problem with linear layouts too, not really related. A sensible
solution anyway: Scale down the desktop previews down a tad once a screen edge
is reached with too many desktops, then scale up as desktops are removed. 

--The desktops are named so they can be distinguished by something other than
If I wanted a REAL visual indicator of which desktop I was aiming at,
per-desktop wallpapers would be the bee's knees and then some. Names help, but
they are not necessarily the reason I use the bar. I sometimes refer to the
desktop names when grouping tasks (the VD label is shown in rofi, other

Either way, a user should be able to discern within a few seconds and know that
default-named Desktop 3 is the bottom left corner of a 2x2 grid, Desktop 8 at
bottom center of 3x3, etc. Muscle memory is a thing, too. Shouldn't be
considered a breaker unless there's a bug report about it i'm not seeing. 

There's a concept in the MR to remedy this where the entire desktop grid is
scaled down to fit in one cell of the bar. I'd have thought the screenshot was
a test result if it weren't actually being considered to go forward with!
Desktops for ants.
The way the bar presents virtual desktops using horizontal or vertical is
already fine as-is, the wheel there does not need reinvented, please. 

More productively, this comment notes the intent behind the change and what I
interpret could be done to enhance this going forward:

> The idea of the new Overview was to make it really easy to switch between 
> Overview and Grid, 
> so that Grid mode would be used instead of the desktop bar to see all active 
> windows throughout desktops and rearrange them. 

If I understand this workflow, one would grab a window in Overview, the Grid
would then scale out seamlessly to show all desktops, and you drop your window
where it goes. This feature is not written yet though! If it were, then it
would probably be intuitive and nobody would even notice the Desktop Bar is

It doesn't follow to hide an essential "Overview" element due to "Grid"
configuration no matter the case. I personally use three methods to move
windows between desktops: Overview, Grid, and hotkey to move the window to the
next desktop. Would think all states should work separately and not depend on
one to support the other. 

What if a user decides not to use the grid very much after a while, disuses all
grid shortcuts/gestures, and only ever uses Overview? They'll think something
is broken. Something like this should display a subtle "Hey the desktop bar is
hidden for you because you have a square grid". 

Instead, enhance the bar to allow collapsing and expanding, collapse it by
default and guide users to use the new grid gesture when it is ready. Since the
bar is still expandable, users that do not like the new gesture can go back to
their old workflow. This fits the bill for the "New off-by-default" pitfall
talked about here:
and would probably make most people happy. 


For now, revisit MR 
Plain and simple, no need to redesign anything. The change only removes the
filter that hides the bar from Grid users

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