--- Comment #1 from cwo <> ---
Can confirm on current neon developer.

The script is updated in the UI, but the old script is still executed if the
shortcut is used. Logging out and logging in again makes it call the correct
shortcut, but restarting plasmashell (with plasmashell --replace or
kquitapp6/kstart) does not.

Full self-contained replication steps:

1. System settings > Shortcuts
2. Add new… > Command or Script… > enter: kdialog --msgbox "It works!"
3. Add custom Shortcut > press Meta+O , Apply
4. Press Meta+O
5. Press the edit button on the "kdialog" command in the sidebar. 
6. Edit the command to: kdialog --msgbox "It still works!"
7. Press Meta+O
8. Log out, then back in
9. Press Meta+O


After 4: Dialog Box with "It works!"
After 7: Dialog Box with "It works!"
After 9: Dialog Box with "It still works!"


After 4: Dialog Box with "It works!"
After 7: Dialog Box with "It still works!"
After 9: Dialog Box with "It still works!"

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