--- Comment #11 from Philippe ROUBACH <> ---
a better capture

for PTP
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Digikam::DNGConvertSettings "", which
already has a layout
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
digikam.import: Log ( ""   "" :  "Connexion à l'appareil photo en cours…"
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.import: Supported features for "USB PTP Class Camera"
digikam.import:   Thumbnails: true
digikam.import:   Delete: true
digikam.import:   Delete dir: true
digikam.import:   Upload: true
digikam.import:   Mkdir: true
digikam.import:   Image capture: true
digikam.import:   Image capture preview (liveview): true
digikam.import: Log ( ""   "" :  "Connexion établie."
digikam.import: Storage fstype: generic tree hierarchy
digikam.import: Storage description:  "Carte SD SanDisk"
digikam.import: Storage base-dir:  "/store_00010001"
digikam.import: Storage access: R/W
digikam.import: Storage type: removable RAM
digikam.import: Storage capacity:  31147500
digikam.import: Storage free-space:  24448832
digikam.import: Size of Exif metadata from camera =  25823
digikam.import: Exif header found at position  4
digikam.metaengine: Exiv2 ( 3 ) :  Directory Samsung2 with 1280 entries
considered invalid; not read.

digikam.metaengine: Exiv2 ( 2 ) :  Directory Image, entry 0x0201: Strip 0 is
outside of the data area; ignored.

digikam.metaengine: DateTime => Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal => 
QDateTime(2016-11-25 12:43:33.000 CET Qt::TimeSpec(LocalTime))
digikam.general: file formats= ("Image BMP (*.bmp)", "Image BW (*.bw)", "Image
CUR (*.cur)", "Image DDS (*.dds)", "Image EPS (*.eps)", "Image EPSF (*.epsf)",
"Image EPSI (*.epsi)", "Image GIF (*.gif)", "Image ICNS (*.icns)", "Image ICO
(*.ico)", "Image KRA (*.kra)", "Image ORA (*.ora)", "Image PBM (*.pbm)", "Image
PCX (*.pcx)", "Image PGM (*.pgm)", "Image PIC (*.pic)", "Image PNG (*.png)",
"Image PPM (*.ppm)", "Image PSD (*.psd)", "Image RAS (*.ras)", "Image RGB
(*.rgb)", "Image RGBA (*.rgba)", "Image SGI (*.sgi)", "Image SVG (*.svg)",
"Image SVGZ (*.svgz)", "Image TGA (*.tga)", "Image WBMP (*.wbmp)", "Image WEBP
(*.webp)", "Image XBM (*.xbm)", "Image XCF (*.xcf)", "Image XPM (*.xpm)",
"Image TIFF (*.tiff *.tif)", "Image JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg *.jpe)", "Image JPEG2000
(*.jp2 *.j2k *.jpx *.pgx)", "Progressive Graphics file (*.pgf)", "Images RAW
(*.bay *.bmq *.cr2 *.crw *.cs1 *.dc2 *.dcr *.dng *.erf *.fff *.hdr *.k25 *.kdc
*.mdc *.mos *.mrw *.nef *.orf *.pef *.pxn *.raf *.raw *.rdc *.sr2 *.srf *.x3f
*.arw *.3fr *.cine *.ia *.kc2 *.mef *.nrw *.qtk *.rw2 *.sti *.rwl *.srw )",
"Tous les fichiers supportés (*.bmp *.bw *.cur *.dds *.eps *.epsf *.epsi *.gif
*.icns *.ico *.kra *.ora *.pbm *.pcx *.pgm *.pic *.png *.ppm *.psd *.ras *.rgb
*.rgba *.sgi *.svg *.svgz *.tga *.wbmp *.webp *.xbm *.xcf *.xpm *.tiff *.tif
*.jpg *.jpeg *.jpe *.jp2 *.j2k *.jpx *.pgx *.pgf *.bay *.bmq *.cr2 *.crw *.cs1
*.dc2 *.dcr *.dng *.erf *.fff *.hdr *.k25 *.kdc *.mdc *.mos *.mrw *.nef *.orf
*.pef *.pxn *.raf *.raw *.rdc *.sr2 *.srf *.x3f *.arw *.3fr *.cine *.ia *.kc2
*.mef *.nrw *.qtk *.rw2 *.sti *.rwl *.srw )")
digikam.general: request thumb icon for  "/"
digikam.database: No location could be retrieved for "/"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file   (Error # 11 :  /: The file
contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with libraw
digikam.rawengine: Failed to load embedded RAW preview
digikam.general: Trying to load half preview with libraw
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with Exiv2
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata using Exiv2   (Error # 11 :  /: The
file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.dimg: Failed to read header of file  "/"
digikam.dimg: "/"  : Unknown image format !!!
digikam.general: mimetype =  ""  ext =  ""
digikam.general: Cannot create thumbnail for  "/"
digikam.general: Thumbnail is null for  "/"
digikam.general: request thumb icon for  "/home"
digikam.database: No location could be retrieved for "/home"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file   (Error # 11 :  /home: The
file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with libraw
digikam.rawengine: Failed to load embedded RAW preview
digikam.general: Trying to load half preview with libraw
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with Exiv2
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata using Exiv2   (Error # 11 :  /home:
The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.dimg: Failed to read header of file  "/home"
digikam.dimg: "/home"  : Unknown image format !!!
digikam.general: mimetype =  ""  ext =  ""
digikam.general: Cannot create thumbnail for  "/home"
digikam.general: Thumbnail is null for  "/home"
digikam.general: request thumb icon for  "/home/roubach"
digikam.database: No location could be retrieved for "/home/roubach"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file   (Error # 11 : 
/home/roubach: The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with libraw
digikam.rawengine: Failed to load embedded RAW preview
digikam.general: Trying to load half preview with libraw
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with Exiv2
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata using Exiv2   (Error # 11 : 
/home/roubach: The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.dimg: Failed to read header of file  "/home/roubach"
digikam.dimg: "/home/roubach"  : Unknown image format !!!
digikam.general: mimetype =  ""  ext =  ""
digikam.general: Cannot create thumbnail for  "/home/roubach"
digikam.general: Thumbnail is null for  "/home/roubach"
digikam.general: request thumb icon for  "/home/roubach/Images"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file   (Error # 11 : 
/home/roubach/Images: The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with libraw
digikam.rawengine: Failed to load embedded RAW preview
digikam.general: Trying to load half preview with libraw
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with Exiv2
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata using Exiv2   (Error # 11 : 
/home/roubach/Images: The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.dimg: Failed to read header of file  "/home/roubach/Images"
digikam.dimg: "/home/roubach/Images"  : Unknown image format !!!
digikam.general: mimetype =  ""  ext =  ""
digikam.general: Cannot create thumbnail for  "/home/roubach/Images"
digikam.general: Thumbnail is null for  "/home/roubach/Images"
digikam.general: request thumb icon for  "/home/roubach/rpmd"
digikam.database: No location could be retrieved for "/home/roubach/rpmd"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file   (Error # 11 : 
/home/roubach/rpmd: The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with libraw
digikam.rawengine: Failed to load embedded RAW preview
digikam.general: Trying to load half preview with libraw
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with Exiv2
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata using Exiv2   (Error # 11 : 
/home/roubach/rpmd: The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.dimg: Failed to read header of file  "/home/roubach/rpmd"
digikam.dimg: "/home/roubach/rpmd"  : Unknown image format !!!
digikam.general: mimetype =  ""  ext =  ""
digikam.general: Cannot create thumbnail for  "/home/roubach/rpmd"
digikam.general: Thumbnail is null for  "/home/roubach/rpmd"
digikam.general: request thumb icon for  "/home/roubach/rpmd/digikam"
digikam.database: No location could be retrieved for
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file   (Error # 11 : 
/home/roubach/rpmd/digikam: The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with libraw
digikam.rawengine: Failed to load embedded RAW preview
digikam.general: Trying to load half preview with libraw
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with Exiv2
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata using Exiv2   (Error # 11 : 
/home/roubach/rpmd/digikam: The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.dimg: Failed to read header of file  "/home/roubach/rpmd/digikam"
digikam.dimg: "/home/roubach/rpmd/digikam"  : Unknown image format !!!
digikam.general: mimetype =  ""  ext =  ""
digikam.general: Cannot create thumbnail for  "/home/roubach/rpmd/digikam"
digikam.general: Thumbnail is null for  "/home/roubach/rpmd/digikam"
digikam.general: request thumb icon for  "/media"
digikam.database: No location could be retrieved for "/media"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file   (Error # 11 :  /media: The
file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with libraw
digikam.rawengine: Failed to load embedded RAW preview
digikam.general: Trying to load half preview with libraw
digikam.general: Trying to load Embedded preview with Exiv2
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata using Exiv2   (Error # 11 :  /media:
The file contains data of an unknown image type
digikam.dimg: Failed to read header of file  "/media"
digikam.dimg: "/media"  : Unknown image format !!!
digikam.general: mimetype =  ""  ext =  ""
digikam.general: Cannot create thumbnail for  "/media"
digikam.general: Thumbnail is null for  "/media"
digikam.general: request thumb icon for  "/"

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