At 09:16 AM 3/2/2006, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:

>> Christian, what is the current state of building on win32 with msvc?
>It compiles (not all, but nearly), but with some local changes I currently
>did not commit and maybe are not needed anymore. I had some problems with
>cmake inside VCExpress but think it is somehow my fault (it seems to work
>fine on another computer).

There are some issues with VCExpress that we are fixing in CMake, for example
we can now get output from the try-compile stuff.

>> I could set up a dashboard submit if it was working.
>This is one of the thing which seems not to work with VCExpress - I already
>did some test but cmake seems to fail sending the content. See your
>dashboard server :) I already talked with one of you (Hoffmanns) but had no
>time to investigate further / had to clean up my build environment so I can
>be sure it isn't my fault...

It seems to be working for another project here:
See the Win32-vs2005exp entries.   

>> Perhaps if there
>> is a subset that builds, we can put a variable in the cmake files that
>> stop the building of stuff that does not work, but allows the libs that
>> do compile to build.   It would be a good way of making sure it stays
>> working,
>> also, people could look at the notes file to see all the options that
>> needed
>> to be set for the build.

I can set up a build with VS 2003, which I assume you want to support as well.
I guess you are saying when it all builds, then we should set up a dashboard.
Just let me know when, and I will try.


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