> -----Original Message-----
> From: William A. Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: sexta-feira, 31 de Março de 2006 18:59
> To: kde-buildsystem@kde.org
> Subject: RE: nightly and continuous build setups
> At 11:38 AM 3/31/2006, Paulo Jorge Guedes wrote:
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: William A. Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Sent: sexta-feira, 31 de Março de 2006 15:12
> >> To: kde-buildsystem@kde.org
> >> Subject: RE: nightly and continuous build setups
> >>
> >> At 09:06 AM 3/31/2006, Paulo Jorge Guedes wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> >Yes, continuous building can save a lot of time.
> >> >I would like to help on mingw but I have a private IP here :(
> >>
> >> Dashboard submissions can be done via http or ftp, also proxies are
> >> supported.
> >> So, it should not matter if it is a private IP, as long as you can get
> to
> >> a web page from the machine.
> >
> >Great!
> >
> >It's on mojo.risin.mingw.
> >I tested it with "ctest -S dash17_kde.cmake -V". Now I have to
> investigate some way to replace cron on windows.
> >I uploaded before a broken mojo.risin entry so please delete it.
> Use scheduled tasks.
> For info on how to set it up see here:
> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Scripting_Of_CTest#On_Windows_.2F_Cygwin_.
> 2F_MinGW


> >Of course it doesn't work yet because of the FindQt4 problem:
> >
> ><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> >- <Site BuildName="WindowsXP-gcc-3.4.4" BuildStamp="20060331-0100-
> Nightly" Name="mojo.risin.mingw" Generator="ctest2.3-20060317">
> >- <Configure>
> >  <StartDateTime>Mar 31 17:31 GMT Daylight Time</StartDateTime>
> >  -1
> >  <ConfigureCommand>"C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe" "-GMinGW
> Makefiles" "D:/dashboard/kdelibs"</ConfigureCommand>
> >  <Log>-- Check for working C compiler: d:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe -- Check for
> working C compiler: d:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe -- works -- Check size of void* -
> - Check size of void* - done -- Check for working CXX compiler:
> d:/mingw/bin/g++.exe -- Check for working CXX compiler:
> d:/mingw/bin/g++.exe -- works -- This is a SVN repository Qt libraries,
> includes, moc, uic or/and rcc NOT found! -- Configuring done</Log>
> >  <ConfigureStatus>-1</ConfigureStatus>
> >  <EndDateTime>Mar 31 17:31 GMT Daylight Time</EndDateTime>
> >  <ElapsedMinutes>0</ElapsedMinutes>
> >  </Configure>
> >  </Site>
> That should be fixed.  Try an cvs update and change the build to
> Experimental so
> it will not back up to the nightly time.

Yes, I just noticed that by looking at the update log:

"svn" update  -r "{2006-03-31 01:00:00 +0000}"

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