Michael Drüing wrote:
>for some reason I get an error each time something links to libxml2.lib,
>because libxml2.lib needs iconv.lib which is not linked in
> automatically. I think I remember someone mentioning here on the list
> that MSVC doesn't do this, so I think this should be fixed in the CMake
> files... Like, for example, checking if a test-program that links to
> libxml2.lib (or xml2.lib, whichever was detected) also needs to be
> explicitly linked to iconv.lib (or maybe libiconv.lib)

And then libxml2.lib changes its dependencies in the future, how do we 

This is the wrong question to ask. The right question is: in which 
*installed* file does libxml2.lib store its dependency information? Is it 
the lib itself? Does the linker automatically link to the dependencies? 
If not, how can we extract the information from it? 

Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  thiago.macieira (AT) trolltech.com     Trolltech AS
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