David Faure wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 10:10:22AM -0400, Brad King wrote:
> Well, I'd say not the first word, but the constant part of the string, like
> "Building CXX object" or "Linking CXX shared library" - everything except
> the target name. But well, first word is fine with me too.
>>On the other hand in a verbose build having the whole line show up in 
>>color (with a black background) makes the high-level lines stick out 
>>from the detail lines.
> Yes, but see those two screenshots:
> http://davidfaure.fr/tmp/colors-unsermake.png
> http://davidfaure.fr/tmp/colors-cmake.png
> On my screen at least it's completely impossible to see what is being linked 
> by cmake.
> Using a more orange color would be a fix, but then a darker green would be 
> good too
> (which means removing the bold, apparently).

Okay, I've switched to non-bold colors and changed yellow to red.  This 
seems to look okay on both black and white backgrounds, and on the 
yellow-ish background of the default MSYS prompt.  From looking at the 
output of "make VERBOSE=1" I think coloring the whole line is useful to 
make such lines stick out from the verbose output.  Even in your 
screenshot the lines stick out from the errors/warnings.

I suspect that in order to satisfy everyone in the long run we will need 
to be able to program the color scheme from CMake code.  I don't have 
time to do this but if someone wants to contribute it look at


and search for "VT100" and "::AppendEcho".  Definitions from the CMake 
code can be obtained from


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