On Thursday 24 August 2006 18:08, Mathew Yeates wrote:
> first a warning
> macro redefinition
>         command-line arguments : see previous definition of
> Then an error
>         link /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /incremental:no
> /OUT:"..\bin\qmake.exe"
> @C:\DOCUME~1\mathew\LOCALS~1\Temp\nmAAA7.tmp
> Unknown generator specified: MSVC2005
> Unable to generate makefile for:
> C:/qt-win-opensource-src-4.2.0-snapshot-20060824/projects.pro
> Then
> NMAKE : fatal error U1064: MAKEFILE not found and no target specified
> Then qmake crashed!

this is not the appropriate place for this error. Also, I don't believe that 
the folks at Trolltech will guarantee that a snapshot will compile at any 
certain point in time, so it's likely you'll have to wait for a newer 
snapshot or try an older one and stick with it.

Also to note is that TT doesn't support MSVC 2005 either (unless they've 
changed that with Qt 4.2 and I don't know about it) so Qt won't compile 
without some unsupported patches from one of the kde-windows sites.

Hope this helps,
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