Am Dienstag, 7. November 2006 13:53 schrieb Manuel Klimek:
> Hi,
> the moc files are added to the source file list.
> Visual studio compiles all sources files in the source file list if they
> don't have a special header extension with the default compiler.
> So it tries to compile the moc files. I fixed this for me by changing the
> *AUTOMOC macros so that they don't add the .moc files to the source file
> list.
> In the next cmake version a patch of mine will be integrated, so that the
> *AUTOMOC could set the HEADER_ONLY property of source files that shouldn't
> be compiled. Until then I don't see a differnt solution than omitting the
> moc files in the source file list (which prevents visual studio from using
> them for intellisense and quick source search, which is a major drawback)

So you suggest I build cmake from cvs? or do you have a patch I can use?
While I don't mind building in xemacs as I'm used to, I'd like to have the 
full experience ;)

Greetings, Stephan
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