Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>So we require tracking qt-copy which requires a lot of time to recompile
> it correctly (at least on my system svn up; make; doesn't work, it
> doesn't seem to rebuild everything it should, I always do a fresh
> build), but we cannot require our developers to update cmake more often
> than 6 months after the version has been released ?

That's stupid, yeah. Requiring people update their cmakes is trivial, 
especially when it's important features.

>Can this please at least be announced when qt-copy is required ?
>I really thought Qt >= 4.2.0 would be good enough.

It is. But qt-copy is recommended, since it fixes bugs. I don't think we 
require any new feature from the patches -- actually, I don't think they 
add any feature.

So, yes, building KDE with Qt 4.2.0 as packaged by any distro should work. 
It's just that qt-copy will work better.
  Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
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