Allen Winter said the following, On 2007-01-21 14:51:
> Howdy,
> In the new macro for installing the handbooks I have some
> stuff to create symbolic links for UNIX only.
>   $HTML_INSTALL_DIR/en/app/common -> $HTML_INSTALL_DIR/en/common
> Apparently cmake does not provide a symlink command (that I can find).
> I'm not sure how to create the symlinks for windows and mac.
> So I need help with that.

Making multiple copies on Windows is apparently not a pretty solution.
In this case I think the installation could not depend on symlinks.
How about altering html itself instead of using tweaks like
  $HTML_INSTALL_DIR/en/app/common -> $HTML_INSTALL_DIR/en/common ?

Is this doable?

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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