David Faure wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 June 2007, Benjamin Reed wrote:
>> CMake does not remove duplicate linker entries (ie, when I build on osx, I 
>> end up with
>> at least 5 -framework QtCore's for example).
> Hmm, that sounds like something cmake should do, IMHO.

it does  :)

It seems like we could hack up kde4_add_libraries or whatever, but that
still seems like it should be done at a higher-level in cmake, shouldn't it?

09:21 <RangerRick> is it possible to have cmake remove duplicates from
link flags?  apple's ld is crashing building libkmailprivate in kde
because there are multiple -framework QtCore's -lkdecore's, etc.09:21 <
RangerRick> if I remove the duplicates, it builds
09:21 <RangerRick> (granted, it's an apple ld bug, but it technically
shouldn't be happening I would think, anyways)
10:24 <pgquiles__> RangerRick: you can use LIST(SORT ...), then iterate
comparing each item with the one in the next position with LIST(GET ...)
and remove duplicates with LIST(REMOVE_AT ...) but it's not going to
look pretty
10:26 <RangerRick> pgquiles__: hm, ok, I'll see what I can do
10:26 <RangerRick> sounds kind of messy
10:26 <RangerRick> is there a list-aware grep-like command?
10:26 <RangerRick> maybeI would just make a new list, and iterate
through, grepping for each entry in the old one
10:27 <pgquiles__> there are STRING(REGEX MATCH ...) and STRING(REGEX
REPLACE ...) but I don't think they are any useful in this case
10:27 <pgquiles__> btw, regexp's in cmake suck
10:28 <RangerRick> I'll see what I can do, I fixed it in the meantime by
changing some KDE_*_LIBS to KDE_*_LIBRARY in the bad lib
10:28 <RangerRick> but it's not a good fix, ultimately the link line
*should* be deduplicated
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