On Friday 13 July 2007, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> Christian Ehrlicher schrieb:
> > Jarosław Staniek schrieb:
> >> Hello,
> >> On windows (msvc) kde4automoc executes moc in new window for a
> >> quarter of second or so (closes as soon as moc finishes). Have
> >> anybody encountered the same for kdelibs updated yesterday?
> >
> > moc is a console app -> QProcess spawns a new moc process and the new
> > window appears. Don't know how to tell QProcess to not open the console.
> > Maybe the moc output should be redirected to the current console
> > window (at least for 'make VERBOSE=1')
> Maybe QProcess::detached ?

Ah, now I understand - I thought it was kde4automoc that was doing wrong...

cmake -E cmake_echo_color ... is started with QProcess::startDetached. The moc 
processes are started with QProcess::start. The problem with starting moc 
detached is that kde4automoc may not finish before the moc processes are 

This is how moc is executed:
QProcess *mocProc = new QProcess;
mocProc->start(mocExe, args, QIODevice::NotOpen);

Matthias Kretz (Germany)                            <><

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