El Dissabte, 15 de desembre de 2012, a les 15:41:37, Alexander Neundorf va 
> On Saturday 15 December 2012, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > There seems to be various reports of kdepimlibs master not working with
> > cmake 2.8.8
> > 
> > http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.buildsystem/7589
> > http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2012-December/006566.html
> > 
> > But cmake 2.8.8 is what we are requiring at the global kdelibs level.
> > 
> > Should we:
> >  a) Require cmake 2.8.9 at the kdelibs level
> >  b) Require cmake 2.8.9 at the kdepimlibs level
> >  c) Don't change requirement, bring back FindBoost.cmake to kdelibs and
> > 
> > keep working with 2.8.8
> > 
> > I don't have a strong feeling but i guess that "b" would actually imply
> > "a"
> > on 99.99% case of the packagers, so probaly just go with "a"?
> > 
> > Comments?
> There would be also option
> d) don't mark the package as REQUIRED in the summary, but simply do
> find_package(Boost REQUIRED)
> This should make it work too.

Interesting, if that works and saves us from increasing the dependency, might 
be worth a shot, can you provide a patch so people with cmake 2.8.8 can give 
it a try?

> I vote for a) or d)
> It was a bug in cmake which was fixed in 2.8.9.
> I'm against c), I don't want to have to maintain a copy of this file.
> Would it actually help ?

No clue :D  You are the expert ;-)


> Alex
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