Am 26.11.2014 um 22:52 schrieb Laurent Navet:
> Hi,
>>> On Friday 20 December 2013 14:59:45 Michal Humpula wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> I was wondering if there is a recommended migration path from
>>>> KDE4_ADD_APP_ICON cmake makro.
>>> This stuff is indeed missing on
>>> ....
>>> Moving the discussion to kde-buildsystem.
> Regarding this thread :
> it
> seems there is no replacement for this macro.
> kde4_add_app_icon is the last that prevent us from completly dropping
> KDELibs4Support from klettres. 
> Is there any news on this ? Or should we remove it ?
Append is a related cmake file migrated from KDE 4. Not sure, if it
works as expected.


>From 050a123f94a84ef625999cd96b6c3df55d270253 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralf Habacker <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 19:50:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Introduce ECMAddAppIcon.

This module, which has been migrated from the related KDE4 macto kde4_app_app_icon,
supports platform specific application icon for Windows and Mac OSX.

On Windows this function depends on the external tool png2ico, which is
provided by the kdewin-tools binary package, sources are available at
 modules/ECMAddAppIcon.cmake | 137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 137 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 modules/ECMAddAppIcon.cmake

diff --git a/modules/ECMAddAppIcon.cmake b/modules/ECMAddAppIcon.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c0a04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ECMAddAppIcon.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# ECMAddAppIcon
+# -------------
+#  ecm_add_app_icon(SRCS_VAR pattern)
+# Adds an application icon to target source list.
+# Make sure you have a 128x128 icon, or the icon won't display on Mac OS X.
+# Mac OSX notes : the application icon is added to a Mac OS X bundle so that Finder and friends show the right thing.
+# Win32 notes: the application icon(s) are compiled into the application
+# Parameters:
+#  SRCS_VAR  - specifies the list of source files
+#  pattern   - regular expression for searching application icons
+# example: ecm_app_app_icon(myapp_SRCS "pics/cr16-myapp.png;pics/cr32-myapp.png")
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Alexander Neundorf, <>
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Laurent Montel, <>
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Matthias Kretz <>
+# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+# see accompanying file COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS for details.
+# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+# See the License for more information.
+# (To distribute this file outside of extra-cmake-modules, substitute the full
+#  License text for the above reference.)
+function(ecm_add_app_icon appsources pattern)
+    set (_outfilename ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${appsources})
+    if (WIN32)
+        if(NOT WINCE)
+        find_program(PNG2ICO_EXECUTABLE NAMES png2ico)
+        else(NOT WINCE)
+        endif(NOT WINCE)
+        if (PNG2ICO_EXECUTABLE)
+            string(REPLACE "*" "(.*)" pattern_rx "${pattern}")
+            file(GLOB files  "${pattern}")
+            foreach (it ${files})
+                string(REGEX REPLACE "${pattern_rx}" "\\1" fn "${it}")
+                if (fn MATCHES ".*16.*" )
+                    list (APPEND _icons ${it})
+                endif (fn MATCHES ".*16.*")
+                if (fn MATCHES ".*32.*" )
+                    list (APPEND _icons ${it})
+                endif (fn MATCHES ".*32.*")
+                if (fn MATCHES ".*48.*" )
+                    list (APPEND _icons ${it})
+                endif (fn MATCHES ".*48.*")
+                if (fn MATCHES ".*64.*" )
+                    list (APPEND _icons ${it})
+                endif (fn MATCHES ".*64.*")
+                if (fn MATCHES ".*128.*" )
+                    list (APPEND _icons ${it})
+                endif (fn MATCHES ".*128.*")
+            endforeach (it)
+            if (_icons)
+                add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_outfilename}.ico ${_outfilename}.rc
+                                   COMMAND ${PNG2ICO_EXECUTABLE} ARGS --rcfile ${_outfilename}.rc ${_outfilename}.ico ${_icons}
+                                   DEPENDS ${PNG2ICO_EXECUTABLE} ${_icons}
+                                   WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
+                                  )
+                    list(APPEND ${appsources} ${_outfilename}.rc)
+            else(_icons)
+                message(STATUS "Unable to find a related icon that matches pattern ${pattern} for variable ${appsources} - application will not have an application icon!")
+            endif(_icons)
+        else(PNG2ICO_EXECUTABLE)
+            message(STATUS "Unable to find the png2ico utility - application will not have an application icon!")
+        endif(PNG2ICO_EXECUTABLE)
+    endif(WIN32)
+    if (Q_WS_MAC)
+        # first generate .iconset directory structure, then convert to .icns format using the Mac OS X "iconutil" utility,
+        # to create retina compatible icon, you need png source files in pixel resolution 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128,
+        # 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024
+        find_program(ICONUTIL_EXECUTABLE NAMES iconutil)
+            file(GLOB_RECURSE files  "${pattern}")
+            add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_outfilename}.iconset
+                               COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_outfilename}.iconset
+                               DEPENDS ${files}
+                              )
+            set(_icons)
+            macro(copy_icons _pattern output)
+                foreach(it ${files})
+                    if(it MATCHES ${_pattern})
+                        add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_outfilename}.iconset/icon_${output}.png
+                                           COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${it} icon_${output}.png
+                                           WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_outfilename}.iconset
+                                           DEPENDS ${_outfilename}.iconset
+                                          )
+                        list(APPEND _icons ${_outfilename}.iconset/icon_${output}.png)
+                    endif(it MATCHES ${_pattern})
+                endforeach(it ${files})
+            endmacro(copy_icons)
+            copy_icons(".*16.*" "16x16")
+            copy_icons(".*32.*" "16x16@2x")
+            copy_icons(".*32.*" "32x32")
+            copy_icons(".*64.*" "32x32@2x")
+            copy_icons(".*128.*" "128x128")
+            copy_icons(".*256.*" "128x128@2x")
+            copy_icons(".*256.*" "256x256")
+            copy_icons(".*512.*" "256x256@2x")
+            copy_icons(".*512.*" "512x512")
+            copy_icons(".*1024.*" "512x512@2x")
+            if (_icons)
+                # generate .icns icon file
+                add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_outfilename}.icns
+                                   COMMAND ${ICONUTIL_EXECUTABLE} --convert icns
+                                           --output ${_outfilename}.icns ${_outfilename}.iconset
+                                   DEPENDS ${_icons}
+                                  )
+                # This will register the icon into the bundle
+                set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE ${appsources}.icns)
+                # Append the icns file to the sources list so it will be a dependency to the
+                # main target
+                list(APPEND ${appsources} ${_outfilename}.icns)
+                # Install the icon into the Resources dir in the bundle
+                set_source_files_properties(${_outfilename}.icns PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources)
+            else(_icons)
+                message(STATUS "Unable to find an icon that matches pattern ${pattern}
+                        for variable ${appsources} - application will not have an
+                        application icon!
+                    ")
+            endif(_icons)
+            message(STATUS "Unable to find the iconutil utility - application will not have an application icon!")
+    endif(Q_WS_MAC)

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