wbauer added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D9793#189494, @safaalfulaij wrote:
  > I went through Qt code, as Qt applications are opened with my language 
correctly where KF ones (those with QM) don't.
  I tested with your ar_BH locale meanwhile, and it is fixed too, i.e. 
LANGUAGE="ar_BH" didn't work either, and both LANG="ar_BH.UTF-8"/LANGUAGE="" 
and  LANGUAGE="ar_BH" do work now.
  > The whole issue is that we have each locale's translations in a separate 
folder (`ar/LC_MESSAGES`, `en/LC_MESSAGES`, `de/LC_MESSAGES`, etc.)
  Why is this an issue?
  There's no difference really in loading ar/LC_MESSAGES/xxx.qm and 
LC_MESSAGES/xxx_ar.qm (or something like that), i.e. you would have the same 
problem if all translations would be in the same folder.
  > Qt uses internally `find_translation` 
 which goes through a list of guesses to find the correct language, according 
to the LANGUAGE preferences and the locale itself.
  >  Maybe we can borrow that code and utilize it, that would be much better.
  The only relevant differences I can see is that it replaces all occurences of 
'-' with '_' (which is necessary only because it gets the languages from 
QLocale::uiLanguages()), and that it doesn't cut off at the first '_', but 
creates entries cut off at every one. (i.e. "de_XX_YY" would yield "de_XX_YY", 
"de_XX" and "de" to try, IIUIC)
  I could do something similar, i.e. lookup translations in a while loop and 
cut off at the right-most '_' if a lookup fails until it succeeds.
  The current code does get the locale/language from Qt anyway. (it calls 
QLocale::system(), which does respect LANG and LANGUAGE )
  It probably would also be a good idea to get a list of languages via 
QLocale::uiLanguages() instead like that find_translation() function does (that 
would also support things like LANGUAGE="de:ar"). But that's unrelated to this 
fix IMHO.

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: wbauer, #frameworks
Cc: safaalfulaij, #build_system

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