bcooksley added a comment.

  The Binary Factory uses the tooling shipped as part of the KDE SDK (which 
always builds everything from scratch, and I don't know if part of that 
includes ECM, hence why the issue doesn't show up there).
  The CI system on the other hand uses it's own tooling exclusively on all 
platforms, however because the Android image ships with a limited number of 
libraries it is reliant on the KDE SDK to provide a number of non-KDE 
libraries, and thus has to include the SDK paths when performing builds. 
Unfortunately this means that it is possible on Android for CI builds to be 
contaminated by the SDK - the result of which we're seeing here.
  Ideally the SDK would separate the base system (non-KDE) libraries from the 
KDE ones to avoid this issue (and the CI system could therefore rely on it's 
own build results exclusively)

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: mlaurent, dfaure, cgiboudeaux
Cc: apol, vkrause, bcooksley, kossebau, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, 
LeGast00n, bencreasy, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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