On Sunday 20 October 2013 09:42:29 Carl Symons wrote:
> On Sunday, October 20, 2013 13:08 Alvaro Soliverez wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I think this post by Mark Shuttleworth (
> > http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 ) deserves some kind of
> > formal statement of support for our devs.
> > It is an unequal statement, and it was a personal attack on one of
> > KDEprojects because we made a decision based on technical grounds they
> > don't like.
> While I appreciate looking out for contributors in the KDE Community, I
> don't see this post as antagonistic towards KDE or KDE developers. There
> are some trollish flamebait bits, such as the stuff about SystemD. Lennart
> Poettering and Kay Sievers may take that personally. But it seems like a
> needless poke in the eye considering that Mark's baby uses Upstart instead
> of SystemD.
> It's not clear to me what KDE project was attacked. What are you referring
> to?
Well I personally considered it as an attack on KDE. Lennart considers it as 
an attack on himself and I have seen Thiago say it's about Intel. That's the 
big problem with what Mark wrote: it's so broad that it matches anybody. I 
think there are very specific pieces which make it clear that also KDE is meant 
- the part about Windows (systemd doesn't support Windows), the project known 
for lots of options, etc. etc. I asked Mark to clarify, but this still hasn't 
> I also think that it's odd that he writes "...competitors to Canonical..."
> in reference to those who have "NIH'd" Canonical's stack. I have not heard
> any KDE person refer to Canonical or any other free software project as a
> competitor.
Just for the record: I do so :-) We as in KDE Plasma are competing against 
Unity. It's not a bad thing to say in my opinion. It's just a matter of fact. 
As a community we have huge overlap and possibility to collaborate, still on 
some areas there is competition. Also if I count ownCloud to KDE we would see 
a competition against Ubuntu One.

> Asking Mark to tone down his posts is a waste of energy. He does what he
> wants. And he has every right to do so.
No, I think this is something that has to happen. As the Ubuntu fanboys take 
him as a role model. If it's fine for Mark to attack others, than there is 
nothing wrong with the fanboys doing the same. Having been in the first line of 
the receiving side of a shitstorm from the Ubuntu community (as mentioned a 
few times: I was close to quitting working on free software due to that) I 
must say that it's not good that Mark now makes situation even worse. That's 
the same as we say that Linus behavior on the LKML is not acceptable. He sets 
the tone on what is appropriate behavior.

So as I already wrote in another reply to this thread I would suggest that the 
CWG gets in contact with Jono.


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