On Thursday, January 16, 2014 19:48:23 Martin Sandsmark wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:43:42AM +0100, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > We’ve had plasma-windows for ages now which runs plasmoids in their own
> > independent window like a mini application. For apps like ksnapshot and
> > kcalc the results would be identical or nearly so (kcalc would require
> > support for putting a menu[bar] somewhere, or reorganizing how those
> > particular features are presented).
> How would they look and feel? I'm not overly fond of the way widgets in

depends on the components used.

the reason we are using this in Plasma Active but not Desktop is because in 
Qt4 there is no good way to mimic/emulate the current desktop style.

Qt5 brings desktop style integration into QML2.

> On a related note, 

this is not really related at all, and i hesitate to engage in the topic here 
due to loss of topical focus.

> a hack). So I think it's a bit naïve to think that it will be an easy task
> to make stand-alone plasmoids that can replace the normal applications.

have you worked with the Qt5 QML2 desktop components?

Aaron J. Seigo
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