On Tuesday 18 February 2014 13:45:41 Frederik Gladhorn wrote:
> On Saturday 15. February 2014 15.30.54 Àlex Fiestas wrote:
> > On Friday 14 February 2014 22:52:04 Jeff Mitchell wrote:
> > > This email serves two purposes: one, to inform the community of the
> > > direction we would like to go with KDE's Git hosting and request
> > > feedback; two, to ask for volunteer projects that are willing to act as
> > > crash test dummies for the new system, helping us figure out the best
> > > way to set it up, work out kinks, etc. Due to the bleeding-edge nature,
> > > we're currently limiting this to self-contained projects, such as those
> > > in Extragear.
> > 
> > Since most of the projects I work on are in extragear I would very much
> > like to participate in the beta-alpha-thing testing :p
> > 
> > Personally I have some experience with gitlab and and github workflow and
> > I
> > would like very much to adopt it in kde.
> I tried working with github for a project, using a workflow of reviewing
> each commit. I personally really disliked it for creating a merge commit
> for each commit, that just clutters up the history (try looking at any
> github project with a few contributors).
> Is this the same with gitlabs or can it cherry-pick after successful
> reviews?
In both, github and gitlab you can have teams that have access to a 
repository, those team members do not need any review.

If we want to continue with our policy of "KDE hackers can commit everywhere" 
then we just have to create a team with all of us on it.

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