
Does anyone what's up with Basket?

We appear to be hosting an old website for it at
http://basket.kde.org/, which links to an incomplete and inactive KDE4
port in a code repo on Github by Kelvie Wong [1] (who is noted as the
maintainer on basket.kde.org), and a mailing list on SourceForge [2]
which was tumbleweeds for years until an email last month reporting a
new Qt4 based beta release on LaunchPad [3] by a Gleb Baryshev.
There's also broken links to other non-KDE infrastructure.  As far as
I can tell it's now a fork of a fork?

I'm not very comfortable with our hosting on kde.org a very
out-of-date website for a project that isn't actually part of KDE
anymore (if it ever was?).  How do we want to play this?  Do we
approach the new devs to see if they wish to fully migrate to the KDE
infrastructure as a KDE incubator project?  Do we request that they
move the website elsewhere if they don't want to?  Or do we update the
website ourselves to reflect it is not a KDE Community project any



[1] https://github.com/kelvie/basket
[2] http://sourceforge.net/p/basket/mailman/basket-devel/
[3] https://launchpad.net/basket/kde4/2.10b
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