I did send this originally to the kde-www address but I thought I'd send it
here as well for a bit of fun.

Kind regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <david.wright12...@gmail.com>
Date: 17 Aug 2014 00:24
Subject: A change of heart
To: "kde-www" <kde-...@kde.org>

Hi guys,

I've been doing a bit of research lately on CMS's and stumbled across
http://commonsinabox.org/ which is basically a bundled buddypress plugin
which powers http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/ amogest other.

Given the social nature of this setup, and the fact it is built upon
(it is basically a set of wordpress plugins that have been tested
together), I
felt that this might be something that KDE might like to take under

A standard install would include forums, groups, collaborative docs, social
mentions, user profiles etc, etc.

Also, using the multi user aspect of wordpress it would still allow certain
projects to keep their identity, but remain under the networks umbrella, as
evidenced by: http://helpwanted.commons.gc.cuny.edu/

Naturally, being exposed then to the wordpress plugin ecosphere would allow
then a better integrated events management, job board, even a store if

Ultimately though, the goal is to increase funding. The KDE websphere is too
spread out, and this would help reign it in so we can really do focused
funding campaigns on users. That would be the advantage of the groups, as we
could tailor funding drives to particular interests and hopefully have

Administration might also be made easier as we could get rid of a fair few
subdomains by moving to this kind of platform.

Anyway, it's late, and I'm jabbering. Let me know what you think!



There is also a buddypress app that could be rebranded:

Mozilla were also working on bugzilla intergration a while back:
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