On Friday, September 19, 2014 09.56:39 Andrew Lake wrote:
> * Be free
> * Maintain our purpose
> * Have fun

If I am understanding your proposal (and perhaps I'm not .. if so, please 
offer clarification), the vision statement consisting of the above three 
elements is a "stand our ground" vision in which nothing actually changes.

That's based a fairly literal interpretation of the second point, while 
recognizing the the first and third points as long-standing principles in KDE. 
There's also a couple of "we're already doing this" statements in the email 
which seems to suggest that's sort of the intention.

Which confuses me a bit. If what KDE is already doing what it needs to be 
doing, what is the problem?

Maybe it's because of this:

>  How do we regain some of the focus Paul Adams suggests we may have lost?

What leads you to believe there has been a loss in technical focus?

> The hope though is for a clear, unambiguous focus that acknowledges our
> strengths as well as the reality of the trends in our technological
> ecosystem. 

I've read it over a few times now and I'm struggling to answer these 

*As a developer, what principles from this vision should my KDE projects take 

* As a user, what benefits will this vision result in for me that would cause 
me to maintain or even deepen my commitment to KDE?

* As a promoter, what points can I take from this vision to convince people to 
get excited about KDE?

I'm struggling because there are over a dozen targets here:


such as "social networking" and "smart home" without definition of functional 
target or intended user benefit. It's a little like an alphabet soup of things 
that are currently part of the computing landscape that still needs to be 
arranged into sentences and paragraphs. 

Or perhaps that is the suggested vision: "Do All The Technologies"?

>  http://wstaw.org/m/2014/09/19/A_possible_vision.png

Why is desktop and frameworks mixed together?
Why are applications peripheral?
Why should applications have equal affinity for both frameworks and desktop?
Should applications also demonstrate "high capability" for cloud and devices?

Aaron J. Seigo

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