
On 19 August 2015 at 11:16, Martin Graesslin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 18, 2015 08:10:25 PM John Layt wrote:
>> * That while not ideal, it is pragmatic to mirror our code on Github
>> as it could increase visibility and may help attract new developers or
>> at least new users for Frameworks.
>> * That we should do it in a co-ordinated, consistent, automated,
>> officially sanctioned way as part of our infrastructure before others
>> do it in an informal, inconsistent sub-standard way that might even
>> accidentally breach their manifesto undertakings.
>> * That it should be a one-way mirror by default, with issues and pull
>> requests disabled.
>> * That individual apps can choose to 'accept' pull requests via
>> Github, but any patches have to be applied through the normal KDE
>> infrastructure(using a standard documented method?).
>> * That individual apps can choose to opt out entirely.
>> * That all repos mirrored must have a standard README.md file that
>> states the correct procedure for submitting bugs and patches.
>> * That we probably shouldn't 'bless' Github as the only place we
>> mirror our code but could mirror more widely

Should have seen this thread earlier, sorry for the late input.

I'll +1 this, if not for anything else but the fact that there will be
mirrors of the source on-line in multiple places should the KDE
repositories ever go down en-masse.

-- Boudhayan Gupta
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