On 24 August 2015 at 15:53, Martin Klapetek <martin.klape...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Boudhayan Gupta <bgu...@kde.org> wrote:
>> On 24 August 2015 at 18:45, Martin Klapetek <martin.klape...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > KSnapshot2.
>> One of the points brought up was that KDE Applications are moving away
>> from using a K-prefixed name, so I want to ride that bandwagon.
> My other suggestion would then be Snapshot. Keeps it simple and
> recognizable,
> kinda tied to KSnapshot even, no need for the fancy/cryptic names, I'd say.


If KSnapshot is going to be abandoned why to loose the great privilege
to use the Snapshot name.

> Cheers
> --
> Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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