Il Mon, 28 Sep 2015 15:48:02 +0200, Jaroslaw Staniek ha scritto:

Hello Jaroslaw,

> towards two things. Posting here so perhaps people accustomed with web
> services read this. Excuse me if this is already on someone's desk.

As far as I know, no one is working on the forum code. Some of your 
suggestions make sense, but I can't really discuss them here because we 
have a much larger obstacle ahead first: the upgrade to phpBB 3.1.

Despite being a "minor" version, phpBB 3.1 is nothing like phpBB 3.0. In 
fact, I don't think, to my limited understanding, very close code wise. 
An upgrade to the forum is hard because we have a lot of modifications:

- Brainstorm (not sure how many use that nowadays, but it's there)
- Mod tools (quick ban for spammers)
- Search
- The theme itself
- ... 

Currently the staff has no time to even think about this upgrade, which 
will become necessary sooner or later. And if anyone wonders about a GSoC, 
I don't think it qualifies as GSoC material, and unfortunately even if it 
did, I'd have no time for mentoring. 

We need someone from the community, preferably *more* than one person as 
it's a large task, with good PHP knowledge, which could help us.

Sorry for hijacking your thread.

> So what I do when I expect answer to an important topic is: navigating
> (nightmare on mobile device) to the topic and click via subsequent pages
> to find the answer

I'm not sure if they changed in 3.1 compared to 3.0, as I didn't look 
closely enough.

> able to fix it (in the style sheets?) for most cases or by googling
> "phpBB-Mobile".

We need someone to help us with the theming, but doing it for phpbb 3.0 is 
IMO a wasted effort.

> Would it be possible to have a filter (ON or OFF by default?) e.g. in

I'm not sure it is possible (again, unsure about phpBB 3.1).

Luca Beltrame - KDE Forums team
KDE Science supporter
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