On 29 September 2015 at 07:31, Martin Graesslin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Monday, September 28, 2015 7:52:29 PM CEST Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Not everyone uses it but some KDE people do: imgur.com and similar
>> services for online image pastes.
>> Including me.
>> The usage rate is much heavier than hithub but it's not indicated it
>> as a big deal.
>> But it is: bug report, review requests, emails (including mailing
>> lists) and wikis link to these files that disappear after months or
>> weeks.
>> The effect is: losing information, losing the backlog.
>> Equivalent Free services do not exist to my knowledge. I mean
>> equivalent, with public access working with the pastebin plasmoid for
>> example.
> What about paste.opensuse.org - that's what I use for screenshot sharing.

Cool, there's code ("stikked"), though the service itself is
independent of KDE so can we have an instance at kde.org?
If it's worth the effort, we would need a means to block non-KDE users.

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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