On woensdag 3 februari 2016 12:58:58 CET Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> We had a good presence at FOSDEM this year.  Here's some notes while I
> remember.
> Stall:
> One 1 short table this year.  We had a nice setup with ODROID board + 
> monitor (alas it wasn't a monitor which could tilt) to demo low cost
> computers can run Plasma.  We had my laptop for KDE neon and a Nexus 5 
in a
> stand for Plasma Phone.  a4 display stands had colour sheets describing the
> three projects.  Me and David brought the kit on the train (which is faffy
> but much easier than taking kit on a plane) with Rohan bringing his 
> I bought two large display banners for KDE and KDE neon which I've taken
> back to my house, I need to reply to e.V. treasurer about getting those
> paid for.  I also bought stickers for KDE (name badges and to give away)
> and KDE neon and have taken the spares back home.  I also bought the 
> box, a4 display stands, pens, tape and brought power extensions.
> We had t-shirts which Jose brought along from those left over from 
> as well as a money box and leaflets.
> Saturday sales:
> Knitted Amigurimi Konqi Medium: 1
> KDE India T-shirts (these were very popular and we should buy more for 
> year.  They seem to be in Indian sizes where an XL is about a medium to us
> fat Europeans.)
> XL red: 1
> XL blue: 3
> 2XL organge: 1
> 3XL orange: 1
> Konqi t-shirts (white):
> 2XL: 1
> L 1
> M: 1
> KDE Logo t-shirts (white):
> XL: 1
> L: 1
> We took over 300euro on the Saturday which Jose took home.
> Sunday we ended up with over 320euro which Jose also took along with the
> sales figures.
> Jose can you post the sales figures here and confirm the amount you're
> transferring to e.v.?
> Saturday party:
> I booked the first floor of La Paon again in Grand Place.  No sponsors this
> year so I took 20euro off everyone who attended.  My guess of 200euro 
> of finger food seemed to work very well.  We had 22 people pay for food,
> less than last year I think which is to be expected since it was charged
> for.  After food was served I used the extra money to buy an additional
> couple of beers for everyone.
> We had three talks in the Desktop room (more than any other project I
> think) which were well received, KDE neon, WikiToLearn and CMakeDaemon.
> A telegram group was useful to keep in contact with people throughout the
> weekend.
> Much beer was consumed which I think we can call a success.
> Jonathan

Was great to meet you all and great work on the booth!

Fun with the t-shirt sizes, at SCALE I was told European XXL is considered 
"sysadmin medium" there ;-)

The name badges were absolutely awesome.


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