Dear KDE community,

As some you may already know, KDE has been running a fundraising
campaign roughly once a year. The 2014's end of year campaign [1] and
KDE Sprints 2015 campaign [2] have contributed significatively for the
sustainability and continuous support of community activities such as
sprints, regional meetings, and also for ordinary expenses of KDE e.V.
Over these years, we've been trying to reason about the lessons
learned so that we come up with more effective and well-planned
campaigns for the future.

We had an initial discussion for this year's campaign and would like
to invite those of you who are interested in help with campaign's
planning, creation of promotional material, and execution.

This year's campaign motto will focus on the availablity of KDE
applications on every device. An initial draft with an accompanying
story are available at:

A succesful fundraising campaign requires a lot of work regarding the
planning and its continuous promotion on social media, so your help is
quite appreciated :)

If you're willing to help, please subscribe to
and join us in the next meeting, thursday 14th April, at 10pm CEST
(UTC +2), in #kde-ev channel.


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