On Sunday, May 22, 2016 7:29:22 PM CEST Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > 1.- I believe that mobile/desktop convergence is not an emerging trend
> > anymore.
> > 
> > 2.- We do an innovative and modern desktop. Even if we do a "classical
> > desktop", we should not state it that way in our mission. The next few
> > years should be about keeping what is good about the "old concept"
> > that took us here and evolving it. We are not dealing with cars from
> > 1920 here. If we have to use quotes in a Mission statement, a document
> > that should be crystal clear not just to ourselves but the "external
> > world"...
> This is exactly the kind of question why I've set up the survey: I know that
> some people still care a lot about the "classical desktop" (i.e. a thing
> that runs on desktop and laptop PCs) whereas for others, desktop and laptop
> PCs are just one among many device classes and form factors.
> Since the Mission should reflect where the majority of the KDE community
> wants to go, I want to offer people the possibility to clearly state what
> they care about more. This is why I have both variants in the survey and we
> can see which gets what score.

The mission should also not alienate our developer base. If the mission states 
we aim for a classical desktop I would consider that a punch in my face. I'm 
working full time on a desktop, but I don't consider this as a "classical" 
desktop. I consider my work going on a very modern product, not something 

Just my 2 cents


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