Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking. They simply give us
servers, what we do with them is our (KDE sysadmin) problem.

You want to run a blog on KDE infra? We have for that :)


2016-07-05 17:59 GMT-03:00 Tomaz Canabrava <>:
> This is awesome. Do you know if we will also be able to use our aggregated
> blogs running on digital ocean or just the official kde services?
> Em 5 de jul de 2016 16:36, "Boudhayan Gupta" <> escreveu:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I'm excited to announce that DigitalOcean is sponsoring the KDE
>> Community. Under their open source software sponsoring programme [1],
>> they've very kindly set us up to use computing resources free of
>> charge.
>> DigitalOcean's droplets give us a certain amount of flexibility, and
>> allows us to make our infrastructure more efficient. We can, for
>> example, move some of the services that use low computing resources to
>> smaller droplets at DO, freeing up our bigger physical servers for
>> more demanding tasks. Over the next few months, we'll be making
>> changes to our infrastructure to most efficiently make use of our
>> added server capacity.
>> One of the things we're looking at is using a droplet hosted at
>> DigitalOcean's Bangalore datacenter to serve as mirrors for our code
>> repositories for the Asia Pacific region. Currently all our code
>> repositories and mirrors are hosted in servers across continental
>> Europe, apart from on GitHub.
>> Thanks,
>> Boudhayan Gupta
>> KDE Sysadmin
>> [1]
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