On Friday, 10 February 2017 14:54:52 CET Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> I'd like to get back to my proposed update of the KDE licence policy
> https://community.kde.org/Policies/Licensing_Policy/Draft
> I got some comments from Matija Šuklje which I incorporated and it now
> includes a handy changelog.
> [...]
> -Documentation to be CC-BY-SA 4

I stand by my previous position (have dual license FDL in its fully free 
version/dfsg version + CC-BY_SA 4) but if I'm the only one it means that we 
have only the painful way of finding contributors no more active for 10+ years 
and try to relicense. We seriously risk to lose a lot of documentation this 
Would we allowed to keep the documents with old license and apply this only to 
new one?

> The main change is for docs and other non-code files to become
> CC-BY-SA 4.  This [...] and allows us to share with other popular
> sources such as wikipedia.  

It does not change your proposal but this specific point is incorrect: 
Wikipedia is dual licensed even now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/


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