Like all sensible open source communities we use IRC lots for real
time communication essential to making low bandwidth decisions in a
reasonable timeframe as well as socialising.

20 years ago IRC was cool but these days real-time communication in
the non-geek world long since moved other places such as WhatsApp,
Facebook Messenger which are infinately more user friendly than IRC.
In the geek-world it has moved to Slack and Telegram. So KDE finds
itself spread between three real time communication methods with IRC
still the strongest but many new people reluctant to use it as scary
and unfamiliar while Slack and Telegram smell of being proprietary and
lacking some of the free-form nature of IRC.

So my radical proposal for today is to consider moving all our
real-time communications wholesale to Rocket.Chat. Like Slack it takes
much of it's basic setup from IRC with #channels that anyone can set
up. Unlike Slack it's all free software and we can run our own
servers.  Like Telegram it works on phones fine. Unlike IRC it
supports media files and friendly user names.

It has a native desktop client and we have a KDE one in progress with Ruqola.

I setup up a temporary server, do come along and say hi to evaluate it.

I'm aware this will probably end up as a case of XCKD standards but I thought it worth a shot.  We have
difficulty attracting new contributors and our community is
fragmenting because of the dominance of IRC so worth considering


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