On Dienstag, 8. August 2017 23:52:40 CEST Christian Loosli wrote:

> > Looking at #kde-devel just now it says:
> > <-- swati_27 (uid130066@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-abaollxcgicrxgwg)
> > has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
> > <-- nowrep (~david@kde/developer/drosca) has quit (Quit: Konversation
> > terminated!)
> > <-- stikonas (~gentoo@wesnoth/translator/stikonas) has quit (Quit:
> > Konversation terminated!)
> > <-- soee_ (~s...@bmi112.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) has quit (Quit:
> > Konversation terminated!)
> > --> soee (~s...@bmi112.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) has joined #kde-devel
> > 
> > Show that to most people and they'll just not want to know what it means
> Good thing every single client coming to mind has a feature to hide these,
> including the official KDE client Konversation.
> http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/hide_join_part_messages
> I'm rather sure that most other protocols, at least Telegram most certainly
> does, do also show when someone joined or parted a group, mind.
> The part they might hide is the  nick!ident@host part. This is client
> dependent, some do and quite a lot of them can hide it. So I wouldn't really
> recommend switching to a completely different protocol due to "shows
> additional info when someone joins or leaves the group".

The bigger issue seen in what Jonathan pasted isn't that IRC clients show when 
people join or leave a group. The issue is that it shows when people close 
their IRC client. And the problem is not that it shows them, but that this is 
_relevant_ because it means they can't follow the conversation anymore.

That's not the case for modern protocols where people only stop seeing the 
conversation if they actively leave the group (which is whey they do show 
that, but it happens far less often than people quitting their IRC client).

And see my requirements email for my reply to "But we have a ZNC instance". 

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