
> On 18. Aug 2017, at 02:11, Thomas Pfeiffer <thomas.pfeif...@kde.org> wrote:
> I've finally managed to enter all of our proposed requirements for a KDE-wide 
> primary IM/chat solution into a tool for creating Kano surveys:
> http://www.kanosurvey.com/?id=3959 <http://www.kanosurvey.com/?id=3959>
> The Kano model [1] categorizes features not just in "must have" and "nice to 
> have" but into five categories along two dimensions.
> This results in a more holistic view on the requirements, at the expense of 
> making the survey quite long because participants have to rate each feature 
> on 
> two dimensions.

I walked through the questionnaire and filled it in. Looks good overall.

Here are some comments:
It may make sense to split the "FOSS clients available for desktop (at least 
Linux/BSD + Windows) as well as mobile” into 3 for Linux, Windows and mobile. I 
personally care for Linux, OSX and mobile, and not in the least for Windows, so 
this was difficult to answer.
"Client has low resource usage (so most likely no web or electron apps)” 
combines two things that are initially unrelated. Of course I want low resource 
usage, but I also want a web app for platforms where no native clients are 

It did not take very long to fill in the survey. 


Mirko Boehm | mi...@kde.org | KDE e.V.
FSFE Fellowship Representative, FSFE Team Germany
Qt Certified Specialist and Trainer
Request a meeting: https://doodle.com/mirkoboehm

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