Hey folks :)

Since 2015 I and other people have been talking about Evolving KDE
(http://blog.lydiapintscher.de/2015/04/18/evolving-kde) - meaning
reflecting on where we are, where we want to go and how we will get
there. We have made great strides with defining our vision
(https://community.kde.org/KDE/Vision) and mission
(https://community.kde.org/KDE/Mission) since then. It has not been an
easy exercise but a necessary one because it gives us focus and
clarity about our purpose.

Our vision is: "A world in which everyone has control over their
digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy." We stand behind this. We
want to fill this vision with life now. Kévin Ottens, Mirko Boehm,
David Faure, Frederik Gladhorn, me and many others came together at
Akademy to discussed how to do that. How can we give the whole KDE
community the opportunity to express what they think we should all be
working on right now? How can we find all the creative ideas and
ambitions that are hidden in so many of our community members? And how
can we talk about them all together? I believe we have found a way.

Starting today all of KDE is invited to propose goals to work on for
the next 3 to 4 years. We will then discuss and refine them. Finally
we will have a vote for the goals we should pursue together. Goals can
be about anything you consider important - it doesn't have to be about
writing code. The top 3 proposals will get supported in various ways
for example with sponsorship of a sprint and presentation slots at
next year's Akademy. This way we will shine a spotlight on the most
important things we are working on and together support that work in
the best way we can. The plan is to do this every year and add one or
two goals to the mix every time.

The timeline looks as follows:
* Today until beginning of October: work on the proposals
* All of October: talk about the proposal
* First two weeks of November: vote on the proposals by everyone with
a KDE contributor account
* Middle of November: publish the results

To make it more concrete, here are some examples of potential goals
that could come out of this:
* Improving the Developer Story: a new contributor should be able to
create his first patch to any KDE application in 15 minutes or less;
* Big in Asia: users in Asia should be able to write in their writing
system in any of the software produced by KDE;
* Appeal to All our Senses: a visually impaired user should be able to
use all the software produced by KDE;
* Virtual Reality Painting: artists should be able to paint in 3D
straight from a VR world using software produced by KDE;
* Speaking Your Language: 90% of the computer users worldwide should
be able to use the software produced by KDE in a language in which
they are fluent.

Do you have an idea for a goal for KDE? Get a small group of people
together and propose it today by adding it here:


Lydia Pintscher - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher
KDE e.V. Board of Directors / KDE Community Working Group
http://kde.org - http://open-advice.org

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