Dear list, 

I hope this is not considered spam, as it is me somewhat wearing multiple hats 
(freenode and KDE): 

freenode has a live conference, called freenode #live, taking place at At-
Bristol Science Centre in Bristol, UK, October 28-29th 2017 - https:// and has 
further details. 

Among speakers we also have room for exhibitors. Knowing that KDE in the past 
did exhibit at other conferences like FOSDEM:  would it make sense to have a 
KDE stand there, with some promo  / stuff to show? 

It's the first time #live takes place, so obviously it is a lot smaller than 
e.g. FOSDEM, but I think we already have an interesting list of speakers and 
thus hope to attract people from various FOSS projects, developers, users, 
translators and just people interested, to drop by. So of course it would be 
fancy if KDE also had some presence there. 

If you are interested or need more details, feel free to poke me either via E-
Mail or of course on IRC.  I'll also gladly lend a helping hand, but I assume 
I'll be mostly busy doing exactly that on a larger scale, so I e.g. can't do 
the stand myself. 

Thanks in advance, kind regards, 

Christian   (Fuchs on freenode)

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