On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 1:11 AM, Harald Sitter <sit...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Ben Cooksley <bcooks...@kde.org> wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 8:59 PM, Harald Sitter <sit...@kde.org> wrote:
>>> For one it makes it hard to keep on top of reviews across all our software.
>>> More importantly though, how exactly do we expect a drive-by
>>> contributor to figure this out? I work in the community for years and
>>> yet often enough struggle to find a relevant person to set as
>>> reviewer.  Not just figuring out their name on phab, but even finding
>> You can search by someone's actual name in any autocomplete prompt
>> where names are accepted I believe, so not knowing their username
>> shouldn't be an issue.
> Not from `arc` which is a wholly different problem I suppose. But yes,
> it's kinda manageable, just not all that convenient. The tricky bit is
> really figuring out who to set as reviewer to begin with.

Ideally you wouldn't need to set a reviewer at all - it should be
handled for you automatically.

>>> out who is relevant in the context of the repo. There are projects who
>>> have no real prominent head so looking at the git log basically gives
>>> you a bunch of drive-by commits.
>>> Can we improve this somehow?
>>> Not particularly enjoyable but working solutions I have in mind:
>>> a) establish phab team of volunteers to get spammed by all reviews (or
>>> more ideally reviews without reviewer set) and then either sort out
>>> the best reviewer or review it themself
>>> b) perhaps more scalable: no automatic subscription of the team but we
>>> change the wiki to tell the submitter to use the aforementioned team
>>> as reviewer when he doesn't know any better person
>> Phabricator has two different tools which can help us here: Herald and 
>> Owners.
>> Owners is a utility which allows someone to say what paths in a given
>> repository they are responsible for. These packages can then be either
>> used by themselves, or utilised by Herald rules.
>> Herald is an extremely powerful utility, which has the power to do ...
>> way too many things to list here.
>> One of those things is the ability to automatically subscribe Projects
>> or Individuals to reviews, or add them as reviewers or blocking
>> reviewers. Depending on how a given Herald rule is setup, it can
>> enforce this - escape is impossible.
>> Please see https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/owners/
>> and https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/herald/
>> for more detail on what they're capable of.
>> There is a performance penalty to be paid with Herald however of
>> around 1ms per rule we have, which is why access to Herald is
>> restricted to Community Admins.
>> We currently have rules to cover: Okular, Dolphin & Konqueror, All
>> Games, Kile, Konsole, Simon, Documentation (all repositories),
>> Frameworks, KWin, Plasma, KWayland, Kirigami, Ark, Kate, KProperty,
>> KDb, Calligra, Kexi, Plasma, Marble, KDE PIM, All Utils Apps, KDevelop
>> and RKWard.
>> These rules essentially CC the mailing list for those projects, and in
>> some instances add the appropriate project as a reviewer. At the very
>> least it should ensure it's brought to the attention of involved
>> developers.
> Thanks for the info.
> So, I think there are two problems we need to deal with: the internal
> and the external.
> Internally developers need to be pro-active in ensuring their products
> have a subscriber. Which they can do with Owner packages it seems. In


> fact we could perhaps automate this (initially on repo creation?). We
> have a members property in our repo-metdata yamls, so we could have a
> package for each repo that tracks all files and subscribes the Owners.
> That way technically every repo has a reviewer. I am not sure if doing
> it automatically is necessarily a good idea, perhaps only for new
> repos upon initial creation? What we certainly could do is create a
> package for each repo so people just need to add themselves as owners.

I haven't checked to see if there are any scalability limitations
within the Owner packages system, so it may be worth keeping that in

For repositories which are maintained by a single person (primarily
Extragear and Playground, and to a lesser extent Applications) this
should be fine. If there are 2-3 repositories which make up the same
logical group (such as Atcore and Atelier to use one example) then it
would probably be better to cover them with the same rule (as they're
one "package")

For large groupings of repositories, where the review is by a group of
people (like for Frameworks and Plasma for instance) we probably want
to continue using Herald rules for those, as then we don't have to
replicate the project to repository mapping.

I'm not sure if Owner packages have the power to subscribe mailing
lists or projects to reviews - this is something Herald is certainly
able to do though.

> Externally we still need a fallback system though as to remove the
> "your stuff doesn't get reviewed unless you define a reviewer"
> problem. That's where I think a volunteer team of global reviewers
> would come in handy. A global Herald rule acting on no-reviewers &&
> no-subscribers to then add the Global Reviewers as subscriber would
> make sure every diff ends up in someone's inbox. The team's action
> could then be to identify the actually responsible person and make
> sure they are set as owner (as per above), subscribe a more relevant
> team, or do the review themselves.

The only potential issue I see with that is i'm not sure what the
order of evaluation is here. It is possible that this ends up being
executed before other rules which would have added reviewers so you
may end up with false positives here. Is that something the global
reviewers folks would be happy to handle?

> With this combination, 99% diffs would have some owner(s)
> automatically set as a reviewer and the remaining 1% would get handled
> by a team to make sure nothing falls through the cracks.
> Does that make sense?
> HS


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